This past weekend was Earth Day, and I'm convinced that Spring may actually be coming. While we still had chilly blustery weather here in NW Montana, the rain was kind enough to wait until after we'd had our Saturday adventure to start falling. Julian, Runi (the pup) and I joined our local Tobacco Valley Direct Action group and spent the afternoon combing along the side of the highway for a stretch gathering trash and contemplating what could possibly inspire someone to toss junk out of their car while driving through such beautiful spaces.
I was equally thinking of the positives of the day of course. I've found myself a partner who thinks that gathering garbage on a Saturday afternoon sounds like a fun date idea, the pup was well behaved and is ready for any and all adventures, and we met up with community members all working towards the same goal,which we succeeded at. Three miles and 14 bags of trash later our adopted stretch of highway and the surrounding woods were tidied up and we all came home knowing we'd physically done a good thing for the day. A drop in the bucket as far as what the beautiful but fragile ecosystems we get to live in need when it comes to our attention of course, but when a problem seems too big to face sometimes a small action helps get us started, keep us going, and remind us that we're not alone.
I also noticed, while rummaging around through the underbrush at the edges of the woods, some of the first sprouts of the season emerging. Mostly grasses, I'm still excited to see signs of the greening of the land starting for the season. Dye plants and wild food will soon follow, and I'm making plans to head down to my nettle patch soon to start enjoying the bounty of it. My harvesting knife & basket (& bear spray!) are ready!
Along these lines of my excitement for spring, The Wool Mill over in Belgrade is hosting their annual "Spring Fiber Fling" and this year I'm finally getting to attend. The event is free and will feature myself and other area wool-folk slinging yarn and fiber from the backs of our vehicles, a community indigo pot, live music, wool waulking and good company. The perfect way to usher in Spring!

& as always,