This is 100% Romney wool, which made it easy to choose a mill to work with, LaVonne Stuckey of The Wool Mill , raises Romney sheep herself, so I was certain that I could lean on her experience with this specific fibre and turn it into something really beautiful for me. As an added bonus, her mill, located in Belgrade MT. is also in alignment with my values on sustainability in the way they process fiber, from composting waste to being solar powered. They're a really neat operation & you can find out more about them on their website HERE.

While I don't yet have this yarn in my hands, I have set up a pre-sale here online. So if any of you have been hoping for a chance to snag exactly the amount of yarn you need for a project, and/ or to get to work more directly with me on something custom & truly special, this is a good chance. The pre-sale skeins are discounted $5 each, and I'll be contacting folks after their orders are placed to talk through their yarn hopes and dreams & see what I can do for them.
This yarn truly has a lot of potential, and given the lovely shine and drape that you can get with Romney wool , will make beautiful knitwear or woven pieces alike. If you'd like to grab a few skeins before they're all spoken for please take a look at the listing HERE.
As Always,
Happy Crafting & Be Well
~ Madeline