Montana Fibershed Knit-A-Long!

Montana Fibershed Knit-A-Long!

You are here-by cordially invited to join me for a Knit-A-Long!

Recently Barb French, the events coordinator for the Montana Fibershed reached out to me with the idea of doing a knit-a-long ( or KAL in knitters abbreviation, ) She and a few others had seen my recently published article and mitten pattern in the Winter 2022 issue of Spin-Off Magazine, and thought it would be a good fit as a recommended pattern.  How flattering, and how exciting as well! 

I feel like most of us could use a bit of community during these winter months, at least I know I certainly could.  

So of course I said yes!  I’ll be hosting Zoom KAL meetings on Thursdays starting at 7 pm from Jan. 27th to March 3rd, and while my mitten patter is one that’s recommended, it is by no means the only option.  In fact as a MT Fibershed event the only real requirement to participate is the use of Montana yarns, or fibers for whatever project you choose.  

Please check out the full blog post for the KAL on the MT. Fibershed website HERE

 If you would like to purchase either a physical or digital copy of the “Blends” Winter 2022 Spin-Off Magazine to access my article or the “Sturdy Mittens for Winter Walks” pattern, you can do so via Long Thread Media (the publishing company for Spin-off, Handwoven, & Piecework magazines, I am an affiliate now so subscribing or downloading a magazine with my link helps support me, Thank you!) 
I hope that you can join us! I’m very much looking forward to sharing my evening tea time with a virtual knitting group.
Be well & happy crafting,
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